The 10 Films of 2019

    Select­ed by Paul Stathakis | Feb­ru­ary 7, 2020   Clint East­wood is a fear­less direc­tor. There isn’t a film he can’t direct and the fact that he can still deliv­er a pic­ture this poignant at 89 years old is a tes­ta­ment to his endur­ing pas­sion for film. “Richard Jew­ell” recre­ates the events sur­round­ing the 1996 bomb­ing that occurred in Atlanta dur­ing the Sum­mer Olympic… 

Paulzeye interviews actress Sulem Calderon

    Inter­view by Paul Stathakis | April 5, 2019     Paulz­eye: Before turn­ing to act­ing, you had a big pres­ence on social media, earn­ing quite a few fol­low­ers on Insta­gram. Did that inspire you to become a mod­el and an actress?   Sulem Calderon: I wouldn’t say that social media inspired me to act, but it is a great tool to spread aware­ness and… 


Nona (Sulem Calderon) is a young woman with a face that robs her of her youth. It’s not that she looks old­er than her age but her face seems tired. Beneath her free-spir­it­ed appear­ance is a woman cry­ing out for help. There is sad­ness in her eyes. When she glances into the dis­tance, it’s almost as if she’s look­ing back on all the strug­gles she’s…

91st Academy Awards: the complete list of winners

    Feb­ru­ary 26, 2018 Below is the com­plete list of win­ners from the 91st Acad­e­my Awards:   Best pic­ture: “Green Book” Best actress: Olivia Col­man, “The Favourite” Best actor: Rami Malek, “Bohemi­an Rhap­sody” Best direc­tor: Alfon­so Cuaron, “Roma” Best sup­port­ing actress: Regi­na King, “If Beale Street Could Talk” Best sup­port­ing actor: Maher­sha­la Ali, “Green Book” For­eign lan­guage film: “Roma” (Mex­i­co) Orig­i­nal screen­play: “Green Book,” Nick Vallelonga,…