Oscar pre­dic­tions (main cat­e­gories) by Paul Stathakis | Feb­ru­ary 23, 2019

Actor in a Sup­port­ing Role:

Maher­sha­la Ali, Green Book
Adam Dri­ver, BlackkKlansman
Sam Elliot, A Star is Born
Richard E Grant, Can You Ever For­give Me
Sam Rock­well, Vice

Actress in a Sup­port­ing Role:

Amy Adams, Vice
Mari­na De Tavi­ra, Roma
Regi­na King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Emma Stone, The Favourite
Rachel Weisz, The Favourite

Cos­tume Design:

The Bal­lad of Buster Scrug­gs (Mary Zophres)
Black Pan­ther (Ruth Carter)
The Favourite (Sandy Powell)
Mary Pop­pins Returns (Sandy Powell)
Mary Queen of Scots (Alexan­dra Byrne)

Film Edit­ing:

Black­kKlans­man (Bary Alexan­der Brown)
Bohemi­an Rhap­sody (John Ottman)
The Favourite (Yor­gos Mavropsaridis)
Green Book (Patrick J. Don Vito)
Vice (Hank Corwin)

Actor in a Lead­ing Role:

Chris­t­ian Bale, Vice
Bradley Coop­er, A Star is Born
Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate
Rami Malek, Bohemi­an Rhapsody
Vig­go Mortensen, Green Book

Actress in a Lead­ing Role:

Yal­itza Apari­cio, Roma
Glenn Close, The Wife
Olivia Col­man, The Favourite
Lady Gaga, A Star is Born
Melis­sa McCarthy, Can You Ever For­give Me?

Ani­mat­ed Fea­ture Film:

Incred­i­bles 2
Isle of Dogs
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spi­der-Man: Into the Spider-verse


Cold War (Lukasz Zal)
The Favourite (Rob­bie Ryan)
Nev­er Look Away (Caleb Deschanel)
Roma (Alfon­so Cuaron)
A Star is Born (Matthew Libatique)


Spike Lee, BlackkKlansman
Pavel Paw­likows­ki, Cold War
Yor­gos Lan­thi­mos, The Favourite
Alfon­so Cuaron, Roma
Adam McK­ay, Vice

For­eign Lan­guage Film:

Caper­naum (Lebanon)
Cold War (Poland)
Nev­er Look Away (Ger­many)
Roma (Mex­i­co)
Shoplifters (Japan)

Best Pic­ture:

Black Pan­ther
Bohemi­an Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
A Star is Born

Visu­al Effects:

Avengers: Infin­i­ty War (Dan DeLeeuw, Kel­ly Port, Rus­sell Earl and Dan Sudick)
Christo­pher Robin (Christo­pher Lawrence, Michael Eames, Theo Jones and Chris Corbould)
First Man (Paul Lam­bert, Ian Hunter, Tris­tan Myles and J.D. Schwalm)
Ready Play­er One (Roger Guyett, Grady Cofer, Matthew E. But­ler and DAvid Shirk)
Solo: A Star Wars Sto­ry (Rob Bre­dow, Patrick Tubach, Neal Scan­lan and Dominic Tuohy)

Adapt­ed Screen­play:

The Bal­lad of Buster Scrug­gs (Joel and Ethan Coen)
Black­kKlans­man (Char­lie Wach­tel, DAvid Rabi­nowitz, Kevin Wilmott and Spike Lee)
Can You Ever For­give Me? (Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty)
If Beale Street Could Talk (Bar­ry Jenkins)
A Star is Born (Eric Roth, Bradley Coop­er, Will Fetters)

Orig­i­nal Screen­play:

The Favourite (Deb­o­rah Davis and Tony McNamara)
First Reformed (Paul Schrader)
Green Book (Nick Val­le­lon­ga, Bri­an Cur­rie and Peter FArrelly)
Roma (Alfon­so Cuaron)
Vice (Adam McKay)

Orig­i­nal Song:

All the Stars, Black Panther
I’ll Fight, RBG
The Place Where Lost Things Go, Mary Pop­pins Returns
Shal­low, A Star is Born
When a Cow­boy Trades His Spurs for Wings, The Bal­lad of Buster Scruggs

Pro­duc­tion Design:

Black Pan­ther (Han­nah Beach­ler and Jay Hart)
The Favourite (Fiona Crom­bie and Alice Felton)
First Man (Nathan Crow­ly and Kathy Lucas)
Mary Pop­pins Returns (John Myhre and Gor­don Sim)
Roma (Euge­nio Caballero and Bar­bara Enriquez)


The Oscars will take place on Sun­day 24th Feb­ru­ary at the Dol­by The­atre in Hol­ly­wood, Los Angeles