Archive for category ARTICLE

A Golden Opportunity: My predictions for the 84th Academy Awards

  Writ­ten by Paul Stathakis  |  Feb­ru­ary 26, 2012 The 84th Acad­e­my Awards will air live tonight on ABC at 7pm Eastern/5pm Pacif­ic. The ever-tal­en­t­ed Bil­ly Crys­tal will be return­ing as host and this will mark his ninth appear­ance as Oscar MC. The race this year is quite tight, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Best Actor cat­e­go­ry where George Clooney and Jean Dujardin are the clear front-run­n­ers. At… 

Paulzeye interviews distinguished film critic Nell Minow (aka The Movie Mom)

  Inter­view by Paul Stathakis | Feb­ru­ary 24, 2012 This week it’s crit­ic ver­sus crit­ic as Paulz­eye inter­views dis­tin­guished film crit­ic Nell Minow. Many of Minow’s essays, reviews, and inter­views have appeared in major news­pa­pers and media out­lets includ­ing Yahoo, The Chica­go Sun-Times, The Chica­go Tri­bune, USA Today, The New York Times, The Kansas City Star, and the The Wall Street Jour­nal.  In addi­tion to writ­ing, Minow also… 

Paulzeye interviews “Six Days of the Condor” author James Grady

Inter­view by Paul Stathakis | Decem­ber 6, 2011 James Grady is an accom­plished Amer­i­can author large­ly known for his nov­el “Six Days of the Con­dor.” He has also writ­ten sev­er­al award-win­n­ing short sto­ries and nov­els over the years, includ­ing two recent novel­las titled “” and “This Giv­en Sky.” Born in Shel­by, Mon­tana in 1949, Grady worked a vari­ety of odd jobs, from hay buck­er to gravedig­ger, before…